Resources for Current Families
Yearlong Calendar
This calendar combines no-school days, early dismissals, and CPE1 community events into one place. Click here for the 2024-2025 calendar.
Family Handbook
The CPE1 Family Handbook is full of information you should know. Please click here for an online copy.
Letters to Families
Updates from the principal are an important way to keep up with the life of the school. Click here to find letters from 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
Staff Directory
Please click here for a list of staff, including their email addresses.
Emergency Contact Card
Communication is part of keeping each child safe. We need emergency contact and health information for every child. Click here to complete or update your child’s 2024-2025 emergency contact form.
To translate the form, right-click anywhere on the form. Click Translate from the menu that opens. Then, select your preferred language.
Messaging Service
CPE1 sends quick information, longer letters, and emergency notifications to your cell phone, in the language you prefer. All parents and guardians should receive these messages through remind.com.
To sign up for our messaging service, please click here. Then, enter the class code: 4cpe1.
The Remind app is free. Click here to download the app.
CPE1 Songbook
Each Monday morning at 8:30, all of our students and staff participate in All-School Sing. Families are welcome to sing, too.
To learn the words and music, please click here for the CPE1 songbook.
Lunch Forms
School lunch and breakfast are free for all New York City students. We still need every family's lunch form. Our school can receive extra funding. Please click here to fill out your lunch form online.
Parent Association: Social Media
Please visit the CPE1 parent association’s website.
Click here for the Instagram account of the CPEI Parent Association.
Parent Association: Volunteering
Volunteers are a vital to our school community. There are many opportunities to help with such activities as ice skating, grant writing, Fall Festival, book swap, and auction. Please consider how you could be involved, and email cpe1parentsassn@gmail.com for more information.
Parent Association: Donating
If your child attends our school, you're automatically a member of the CPE1 parent association. The parent association supports activities such as as ice skating, cooking in classrooms, visiting artists, camping, and graduation.
The parent association believes it's not how much you can contribute, but that every family contributes what it can. The goal is full participation of all families.
To make your annual financial contribution and any other donations to the PA, click here.
Friends of CPE1
Friends of CPE1 is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Friends empowers and supports the school by raising funds and developing relationships with alumni and supporters. Friends has its own board of directors, which includes parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and current and former staff.
Friends of CPE1 strives to:
Sustain CPE1’s educational programs and progressive educational mission
Build a strong community of alumni and friends
Support the CPE1 faculty with funds to enrich classroom learning
Secure grants from foundations and public sector sources
Friends of CPE1 welcomes gifts of any size. All gifts are fully tax-deductible and are eligible for most corporate matching gift programs. Click here to donate to Friends of CPE1.
School Leadership Team Minutes
All New York City public schools have a school leadership team (SLT). SLTs must meet at least once a month to work on improving the school.
SLTs have three required members: the principal, the chapter leader of United Federation of Teachers, and one of the school’s parent association co-presidents. Other staff and parent members are elected to two-year terms. SLTs must have an even balance of staff and parent members.
For 2023-2024, the parent members are Andy Artz, Kaliris Salas Ramirez, Kent Hansan, Laura Allen, and Moji Alwode-El.
Please click here to read the official minutes of SLT meetings.