Early dismissal Thursday, apply for Summer Rising, previous day’s shelter-in, nonattendance days at the end of June
Learning through and beyond books, testing meeting for families, community coffee, early dismissal and family conferences, new visual arts partnership
BLM at schools event, update your emergency contacts, progress reports going home
Author Megan Madison leads BLM Week of Action event for families, Justine’s last day at CPE1, reading about difficult history and beautiful legacies
Activate your NYC Kids Rise college savings account, more reading support in the upper grades, additional meeting for families about school-based investigations
Long article about CPE1 and update on CPE1 reading curriculum, meeting for families about school-based investigations, skating dates for this winter
Winter concert this week, share your family’s traditions atFestival of Lights, migrants inside public school buildings, personal thanks
Community luncheon for children, our attendance so far this year, Festival of Lights on December 19
Ice skating begins, hosting national conference on special education
Molluscum in Hansel and Selena’s Class
Diwali and calendar updates, staff work on no-school day, families conferences coming up
Reflecting on Fall Festival and what CPE means to alumni, Halloween parade, camping with CPE1
Counting down to Fall Festival, family contact lists sent home, a new book going home to CPE1 families
Fiftieth anniversary next week; welcome, Judy
Update on occupational therapy, documentary showing on October 8, new after-school program
Curriculum Night, a film for our fiftieth anniversary, starting screeners in K-5, scheduling lockdown drills, ven a nuestro café comunitario
The first day of school, celebrating fifty years of Central Park East
Teachers arranging classrooms; after-school, emergency contacts, the family handbook, and school calendar; sign up for the potluck
Applying to after-school programs; save the date for welcome-back potluck
Welcome, Yasmin; Safer Access doors now open
Patricia’s leaving and hiring a new teacher, CPE1’s 2024-2025 calendar, free summer meals, wishes for summer
Update on 2024-2025 budget, expanding fulltime integrated collaborative education, footwear in warmer weather
Rescheduling Family Game Night because of flooding
Family Game Night, city council and budget meeting at CPE, your vote on changing the school calendar
Update on reading at CPE1
Najah’s final day at CPE1, community coffee in Spanish
Learning songs for Lunar New Year, Black Lives Matter in Schools Week of Action, More Skating Dates, Cafeteria Budget Cuts
Skating at Wollman Rink, teachers training in new literacy curriculum, petition to remove early voting from school buildings
Family workshop on January 11, state exams on computers, remember CPE’s first superintendent
New progress report format, Give Kids a Smile dental screening
Community luncheon for children, Festival of Lights, ice skating in January
Gender workshop coming soon, laptops for snow days, Halloween costumes for older students
Family Festival week; welcome, Joseph; water quality passes inspection
Workshop on gender, picture days, January 11 arts workshop, complete meal and housing forms
Principal’s Welcome - Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night This Week, letter from Deborah Meier about CPE’s fiftieth anniversary
Alana leaving, learning songs for All-School Sing, screeners begin, upgrading auditorium seats
Potluck and welcome coffee, emergency contacts, occupational therapy, the magic of first days of school
Welcome Kiyah, Josie, and Kim; budget and art; restroom project